Our Place Clubhouse is a community of mutual support for adults in mental health recovery. Based on NYC's Fountain House, the Clubhouse model empowers members to achieve their goals in a non-clinical, collegial setting.
the work-ordered day
Our Place Clubhouse is comprised of four work-ordered day units that are integral to the Clubhouse. Each unit offers unique opportunities for members to gain new skills, build community, and shape the Clubhouse. Every task is available for any member to participate in, regardless of skill-level or experience.
All organizational decisions in the Clubhouse are made with full community consensus at program and community meetings held weekly.
Our Place is open on all holidays and maintains regular business hours Monday through Friday, 8:30 am—4:00 pm and the 1st and 3rd Saturday from 8:30 am—12:30 pm.
Members can also join each other in weekly social activities which include picnics, movies, dinner out, arts and crafts, and more.
the clubhouse movement
The Clubhouse movement began in 1948 when New York City's Fountain House was founded. The Clubhouse model is now internationally recognized as a best-practice program to empower individuals with serious mental illness. There are currently over 325 Clubhouses worldwide. All Clubhouses follow official standards set forth by the International Center for Clubhouse Development.
“Unlike other programs for men and women with mental illness, Fountain House was founded on the premise that Clubhouse 'members' could work productively and have socially satisfying lives in spite of their mental illness.” -ICCD
The Clubhouse Guarantees are:
A right to a place to come.
A right to a safe place to belong.
A right to meaningful work.
A right to meaningful relationships.
A right to a place to return to.
Who is Our Place Clubhouse for?
Our Place is open to all individuals with serious mental illness. Access to Clubhouse services exists as long as the member wants and needs them: once a member, always a member.
Coyote TaskForce (CTF) is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to provide high quality employment services, public awareness, and advocacy for adults living with serious mental illnesses, in the belief that work is an integral part of recovery and well-being.
CTF was established by a group of clubhouse members, mental health workers, families, and advocates as a consumer-run business and was awarded the contract to run Our Place Clubhouse in November 1992.
CTF opened Café 54 in 2004, a revolutionary restaurant that simultaneously dismantles the stigma of mental illness while providing hands-on work training and job development for adults in mental health recovery, as well as delicious, fresh cuisine and catering.
CTF is a proud owner of its own building and facilities, a unique, dignified, and professional space designed by members and staff. Our Place Clubhouse and Café 54 are conveniently located downtown, near the Ronstadt Transit Center.
“Our Place Clubhouse gives me a place to come get out of the house and have friendships. ”